






聯(lián)系地址:中國(guó)(山東)自由貿(mào)易試驗(yàn)區(qū)濟(jì)南片區(qū)孫村街道經(jīng)十東路33688號(hào)章錦綜合保稅區(qū)聯(lián)東U谷科創(chuàng)中心5號(hào)樓 101



In the process of using biogas tower, what we expect is that it can give full play to the effect of waste gas treatment and meet the requirements of environmental impact assessment. So this requires us to operate correctly in the process of using equipment and do well in daily maintenance. But after a long time of using biogas tower, it is easy to accumulate some intractable fouling inside. It greatly affects the performance of desulfurization tower! Today, biogas desulfurization Xiaobian will introduce you how to clean the scale of desulfurization tower.
1. 清洗脫硫塔底部垢
1. Cleaning the bottom scale of desulfurization tower
Firstly, the fouling at the bottom of the desulfurization tower is cleaned. The cleaning agent is added to the circulating liquid at the bottom of the desulfurization tower, and the circulating pump at the bottom of the desulfurization tower is used to clean the fouling at the bottom of the tower, so as to ensure that the bottom of the drain pipe of the desulfurization tower is not buried in the fouling layer. Three steps are used to clean the fouling at the bottom of the desulfurization tower.
2. 旋分器管底部疏水管的清洗疏通
2. Cleaning and dredging of drain pipe at bottom of cyclone pipe
脫硫塔底部的污垢清洗完成后,再進(jìn)行旋分器管底部疏水管的清洗疏通工作!在RS2 的壓力下打開(kāi)人孔,在系統(tǒng)所有設(shè)備不停車的狀態(tài)下,充分利用機(jī)器人自動(dòng)清洗技術(shù),控制爬行機(jī)構(gòu)(確保執(zhí)行每只旋分器管的清洗工作),牽引柔性聚氯乙烯噴淋管行進(jìn),圍繞脫硫塔一圈,使清洗機(jī)構(gòu)對(duì)應(yīng)脫硫塔的每只旋分器管,噴灑位置要準(zhǔn)確,定時(shí)進(jìn)行噴灑清洗劑,持續(xù)進(jìn)行,檢測(cè)觀察清洗效果和其他可能出現(xiàn)的情況!
After cleaning the dirt at the bottom of the desulfurization tower, the cleaning and dredging work of the drain pipe at the bottom of the cyclone pipe is carried out. Firstly, the manhole is opened under the pressure of RS2, and the crawling mechanism is controlled by fully utilizing the automatic cleaning technology of the robot under the condition that all the equipment in the system does not stop. The flexible polyvinyl chloride spraying pipe is introduced to move around the desulfurization tower, so that the cleaning mechanism corresponds to each cyclone pipe of the desulfurization tower. The spraying position should be accurate, the cleaning agent should be sprayed regularly and continuously, and the cleaning effect and other possible situations should be monitored and observed.
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相關(guān)產(chǎn)品 我們的存在,是為了更好的服務(wù)于沼氣等可燃?xì)怏w凈化及利用行業(yè)