






聯(lián)系地址:中國(guó)(山東)自由貿(mào)易試驗(yàn)區(qū)濟(jì)南片區(qū)孫村街道經(jīng)十東路33688號(hào)章錦綜合保稅區(qū)聯(lián)東U谷科創(chuàng)中心5號(hào)樓 101



Future research directions of biological flue gas desulfurization technology

  發(fā)展微生物煙氣脫硫技術(shù)很具有潛力, 但也存在一些問(wèn)題需要解決, 應(yīng)側(cè)重以下幾方面的研究工作:

The development of microbial flue gas desulfurization technology has great potential, but there are also some problems that need to be solved, and research work should focus on the following aspects:

  基礎(chǔ)理論研究。氧化無(wú)機(jī)硫的菌種以專性、兼性自養(yǎng)菌為主, 而專性自養(yǎng)菌往往生長(zhǎng)較慢, 在煙氣脫硫技術(shù)中, 生物量的供應(yīng)將影響整個(gè)系統(tǒng)的處理效率。因此, 在今后的研究中, 篩選生長(zhǎng)速度快、脫硫性能優(yōu)良的菌種是必須進(jìn)行的基礎(chǔ)研究。對(duì)已有的菌種, 應(yīng)將研究放在微生物培養(yǎng)方案優(yōu)化和對(duì)微生物菌種的改良上, 改進(jìn)微生物的遺傳性狀, 提高菌種的脫硫效率。同時(shí), 進(jìn)一步探索煙氣脫硫機(jī)理, 從而提出更合理的脫硫新方法, 以指導(dǎo)和完善脫硫技術(shù), 加快工業(yè)化進(jìn)程。

Basic theoretical research. The bacterial species that oxidize inorganic sulfur are mainly specialized and facultative autotrophic bacteria, and specialized autotrophic bacteria often grow slowly. In flue gas desulfurization technology, the supply of biomass will affect the treatment efficiency of the entire system. Therefore, in future research, screening strains with fast growth rate and excellent desulfurization performance is a necessary basic research. For existing bacterial strains, research should focus on optimizing the optimal microbial culture plan and improving microbial strains, improving their genetic traits, and enhancing their desulfurization efficiency. At the same time, further explore the mechanism of flue gas desulfurization, and propose more reasonable new desulfurization methods to guide and improve desulfurization technology, and accelerate the industrialization process.

  選擇合適的生物反應(yīng)器。生物反應(yīng)器涉及氣、液、固三相傳質(zhì)及生化降解過(guò)程, 影響因素多而復(fù)雜, 有關(guān)的理論研究及實(shí)際應(yīng)用還不夠深入, 需要進(jìn)一步探討和研究。

Choose a suitable bioreactor. Bioreactors involve three-phase mass transfer and biochemical degradation processes of gas, liquid, and solid, with multiple and complex influencing factors. Theoretical research and practical applications are not yet in-depth enough, and further exploration and research are needed.

  合理解決煙氣溫度較高和生物法脫硫常溫操作二者之間的矛盾。燃煤鍋爐煙氣經(jīng)除塵器后溫度一般較高,而脫硫細(xì)菌多在常溫下生長(zhǎng), 因此, 一方面應(yīng)開(kāi)發(fā)回收利用進(jìn)入生物反應(yīng)器前煙氣余熱的技術(shù); 另一方面, 應(yīng)用分子生物學(xué)技術(shù), 培育更適于煙氣脫硫的耐高溫的脫硫菌。


Reasonably resolve the contradiction between high flue gas temperature and normal temperature operation of biological desulfurization. The temperature of coal-fired boiler flue gas after passing through the dust collector is generally high, and desulfurization bacteria mostly grow at room temperature. Therefore, on the one hand, technology should be developed to recover and utilize the waste heat of flue gas before entering the bioreactor; On the other hand, molecular biology techniques should be applied to cultivate high-temperature resistant desulfurization bacteria that are more suitable for flue gas desulfurization.

  功能菌的選育。隨著生物技術(shù)的高速發(fā)展, 利用現(xiàn)代基因工程技術(shù)對(duì)某些脫硫菌進(jìn)行改性, 強(qiáng)化其轉(zhuǎn)化作用, 以獲得生長(zhǎng)繁殖速度快、活性高、適應(yīng)溫度和氫離子濃度指數(shù)范圍寬的多質(zhì)粒菌, 篩選和培育出適應(yīng)性和穩(wěn)定性更高的脫硫菌, 通過(guò)縮短煙氣脫硫菌的馴化、培育和掛膜時(shí)間延長(zhǎng)脫硫菌的使用壽命。

Breeding of efficient functional bacteria. With the rapid development of biotechnology, modern genetic engineering technology is used to modify certain desulfurization bacteria and enhance their transformation, in order to obtain multi plasmid efficient bacteria with fast growth and reproduction speed, high activity, wide adaptability to temperature and hydrogen ion concentration index range, screen and cultivate desulfurization bacteria with higher adaptability and stability, and extend the service life of desulfurization bacteria by shortening the domestication, cultivation, and membrane hanging time of flue gas desulfurization bacteria.

  隨著生物技術(shù)的不斷發(fā)展, 微生物煙氣脫硫技術(shù)必將取得更大進(jìn)展。

With the continuous development of biotechnology, microbial flue gas desulfurization technology is bound to make greater progress.

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