






聯(lián)系地址:中國(山東)自由貿(mào)易試驗(yàn)區(qū)濟(jì)南片區(qū)孫村街道經(jīng)十東路33688號章錦綜合保稅區(qū)聯(lián)東U谷科創(chuàng)中心5號樓 101



Biogas contains hydrogen sulfide, with a molecular formula of H2S. Hydrogen sulfide is a flammable and hazardous chemical that can form explosive mixtures when mixed with air. When exposed to open flames and high heat, it can cause combustion and explosion. In addition, hydrogen sulfide has strong corrosion characteristics on steel when it comes into contact with water. Therefore, the core of the pre-treatment process for purifying and refining biogas is the removal of hydrogen sulfide.


The concentration of hydrogen sulfide in biogas produced by different organic wastes under anaerobic conditions varies greatly, with varying levels. Due to the addition of sulfur-containing media in the production process, the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the biogas produced from production wastewater is relatively high in industries such as papermaking and fermentation. For example, the biogas in the papermaking industry can reach up to 10000-35000ppm, while the biogas in the starch industry is generally around 10000ppm. For landfill biogas in household waste, the hydrogen sulfide content is relatively low, usually within 1000ppm, due to the relatively low involvement of sulfur media in the production process.


In China, the production and processing technology and commercial operation system of biogas have gradually matured. Through independent innovation, introduction, and digestion, advanced anaerobic digestion technology for high solid organic waste from abroad has been absorbed. Among them, large-scale biogas projects that treat grain straw, animal manure, and urban organic waste have also made breakthrough progress. Therefore, corresponding biogas purification process technologies have also been developed, A series of relatively mature technologies have been formed.


The commonly used biogas desulfurization methods in the industry include dry desulfurization, wet desulfurization, complex iron desulfurization, and biological desulfurization.


Desulfurization principle


Dry desulfurization

唐山綠干法脫硫是一種簡易、、相對低成本的脫硫方式,一般適合用于沼氣量小,硫化氫濃度低的沼氣脫硫。干法脫除沼氣氣體中硫化氫(H2S)的設(shè)備基本原理是以O(shè)2使H2S 氧化成硫或硫氧化物的一種方法,也可稱為干式氧化法。干法設(shè)備的構(gòu)成是,在一個(gè)容器內(nèi)放入填料,填料層有活性炭、氧化鐵等。氣體以低流速從一端經(jīng)過容器內(nèi)填料層,硫化氫(H2S)氧化成硫或硫氧化物后,余留在填料層中,凈化后氣體從容器另一端排出。

Tangshan Green Dry Desulfurization is a simple, efficient, and relatively low-cost desulfurization method, generally suitable for biogas desulfurization with small biogas volume and low hydrogen sulfide concentration. The basic principle of the equipment for dry removal of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from biogas gas is a method of using O2 to oxidize H2S into sulfur or sulfur oxides, also known as dry oxidation method. The composition of dry process equipment is to place fillers in a container, and the filler layer includes activated carbon, iron oxide, etc. The gas passes through the packing layer inside the container at a low flow rate, and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is oxidized to sulfur or sulfur oxides, remaining in the packing layer. After purification, the gas is discharged from the other end of the container.

干式脫硫主要包括主體鋼結(jié)構(gòu)、脫硫劑填料、觀察窗、壓力表、溫度表等組件。脫硫塔通常設(shè)計(jì)為一用一備,交替使用,即一個(gè)脫硫,一個(gè)再生。 含有硫化氫(H2S)的沼氣進(jìn)入脫硫塔底部,在穿過脫硫填料層到達(dá)頂端的過程中,H2S與脫硫劑發(fā)生以下的化學(xué)反應(yīng):

Dry desulfurization mainly includes components such as main steel structure, desulfurizer filler, observation window, pressure gauge, temperature gauge, etc. Desulfurization towers are usually designed as one for use and one for backup, alternating between one for desulfurization and one for regeneration. Biogas containing hydrogen sulfide (H2S) enters the bottom of the desulfurization tower and undergoes the following chemical reactions with the desulfurizer during the process of passing through the desulfurization packing layer and reaching the top:

步: Fe2O3 · H2O + 3 H2S = Fe2S3 + 4 H2O (脫硫)

Step 1: Fe2O3 · H2O+3 H2S=Fe2S3+4 H2O (desulfurization)

第二步: Fe2S3 + 3/2 O2 + 3 H2O = Fe2O3 · H2O + 2 H2O + 3 S(再生)

Step 2: Fe2S3+3/2 O2+3 H2O=Fe2O3 · H2O+2 H2O+3 S (regeneration)


Biogas containing hydrogen sulfide first reacts with a desulfurizer with a relatively high load at the bottom inlet. The upper part of the reactor is a desulfurizer layer with a low load. By designing good biogas airspeed and line speed, dry desulfurization can achieve good precision desulfurization effect.


Before biogas enters the dry desulfurization tower, a condensate tank or biogas particle filter should be installed. This device can eliminate particle impurities in biogas and make biogas contain a certain humidity before entering desulfurization.


When discoloration of the desulfurizer or excessive pressure loss in the system is observed, another desulfurization tower should be used alternately. The current desulfurization tower undergoes natural ventilation after releasing biogas to regenerate the desulfurizer. When the regeneration effect is poor, the waste desulfurizer should be discharged from the bottom of the tower. At the same time as the waste packing is discharged at the bottom, fresh desulfurized packing of the same volume should be added to the reactor.


Remember not to replace the desulfurizer for too short a time, otherwise it is easy to cause heat release and sulfur self ignition.


Wet desulfurization


Wet desulfurization can be classified into three types: physical absorption method, chemical absorption method, and oxidation method. There is a problem of hydrogen sulfide reprocessing in physical and chemical methods. The oxidation method uses alkaline solution as an absorbent and oxygen carrier as a catalyst to absorb H2S and oxidize it into elemental sulfur. The wet oxidation method dissolves the desulfurizer in water, and the liquid enters the equipment and mixes with biogas. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in biogas reacts with the liquid to generate elemental sulfur. The liquids that absorb hydrogen sulfide include sodium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, etc Ferrous sulfate, etc. The mature oxidation desulfurization method can achieve a desulfurization efficiency of over 99.5%.


In large-scale desulfurization projects, wet desulfurization is generally used first for coarse desulfurization, and then dry desulfurization is used for fine desulfurization.


The main body of the wet flue gas desulfurization tower includes a washing tower, a hydrogen sulfide sampling and monitoring system, an alkali solution preparation tank, a water supply softening device, a liquid level control system, supporting components, and connecting components. The desulfurization system achieves fully automatic operation by monitoring the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the outlet gas and pH value.


During operation, biogas passes through the desulfurization tower from bottom to top, and Na2CO3 solution (or NaOH solution) is sprayed downwards from the top, causing sufficient chemical reaction between H2S gas and alkaline solution.


Alkali solution is stored below the desulfurization tower and automatically added through a metering pump. The addition control of the metering pump operates automatically by monitoring the H2S concentration in the outlet gas.


When using sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) reagent for desulfurization, the following reactions mainly occur:

H2S + Na2CO3 = NaHS + NaHCO3 ( 1 )

H2S+Na2CO3=NaHS+NaHCO3 (1)

CO2 + Na2CO3 + H2O = 2 NaHCO3 ( 2 )

CO2+Na2CO3+H2O=2 NaHCO3 (2)

由于沼氣中含有的大量CO2成分,同樣會消耗堿液。 系統(tǒng)應(yīng)能對反應(yīng)條件(包括反應(yīng)溫度、PH值)等進(jìn)行控制,設(shè)置反應(yīng)條件,盡可能地減少堿液的消耗量。

Due to the large amount of CO2 contained in biogas, it also consumes alkaline solution. The system should be able to control the reaction conditions (including reaction temperature, pH value), set the optimal reaction conditions, and minimize the consumption of alkaline solution as much as possible.


Complex iron desulfurization


The complex iron process is a green, Fe based catalyst based wet gas purification technology that integrates desulfurization and sulfur recovery. It directly converts H2S into elemental S in the liquid phase.

硫化氫脫出率高( 一步反應(yīng)的脫出率99.99+% )

High hydrogen sulfide extraction rate (99.99+% of one-step reaction)


The process is simple and safe, and the system does not use any toxic chemicals or produce any harmful waste. The control is simple, and the system has a high safety factor


Suitable for small hydrogen sulfide removal devices with a production capacity of 200 kg -20 tons/day


Adapt to H2S content between 0% and 100%


Operating conditions are at room temperature


The reaction principle of Tangshan Green Source Complex Iron Process:


Absorption reaction:

H2S(氣體)+ 2Fe+++ 2H+ + S °+ 2Fe++

H2S (gas)+2Fe++2H++S °+2Fe++


Regenerative reaction:

1/2 O2 (氣體) + H2O + 2Fe++ 2OH- + 2Fe+++

1/2 O2 (gas)+H2O+2Fe++2OH -+2Fe+++


Total reaction:

H2S + ? O2 H2O + S°

H2S+? O2 H2O+S °


Advantages of desulfurization with complex iron


(1) The complex iron catalyst has a simple process, and the one-step treatment process can quickly oxidize hydrogen sulfide directly to sulfur elemental; For various concentrations of H2S, the H2S content after desulfurization can be lower than 10ppm, and the removal efficiency of H2S is high.


(2) The system has strong resistance to fluctuations. For traditional desulfurization devices, when the hydrogen sulfide content in the feed gas fluctuates greatly, it can cause significant fluctuations in the hydrogen sulfide content of the outlet purified gas, even exceeding the standard. The high sulfur capacity of complex iron allows its desulfurization device to automatically handle the above fluctuations without the need for manual changes in operation and without affecting the desulfurization rate.


(3) Low operating costs. Due to the renewable and recyclable use of complex iron catalysts in various reagents used in the desulfurization process without any side reactions, only a small amount of complex iron catalysts lost during the desulfurization process need to be supplemented, resulting in an operating cost of 1000-1500 yuan for producing one ton of sulfur reagents.


(4) Complex iron catalysts have high selectivity and low bysalt production. In complex iron desulfurization, complex iron ions oxidize hydrogen sulfide to sulfur, resulting in fewer side reactions and longer service life of the reagents.

(5)脫硫工作液硫容量高。開發(fā)的絡(luò)合鐵脫硫劑,脫硫劑循環(huán)液的硫容量不受二氧化碳的影響,其工作硫容量高達(dá)3.3kg硫磺/m藥劑,高于國外同類技術(shù)(工作硫容量較好的為0.37 kg硫磺/m藥劑)。故使用絡(luò)合鐵脫硫劑能顯著降低循環(huán)液量,降低設(shè)備尺寸,減少投資和操作成本。

(5) The desulfurization working fluid has a high sulfur capacity. The latest developed complex iron desulfurizer has a sulfur capacity that is not affected by carbon dioxide in the circulating solution of the desulfurizer. Its working sulfur capacity is as high as 3.3kg sulfur/m reagent, which is higher than similar foreign technologies (the one with better working sulfur capacity is 0.37 kg sulfur/m reagent). Therefore, the use of complex iron desulfurizers can significantly reduce the circulating liquid volume, reduce equipment size, and reduce investment and operating costs.


(6) Can remove organic sulfur COS and thiols.


(7) The device has a small size and can effectively achieve sled installation. Due to its high working sulfur capacity and small equipment, it can effectively achieve sled mounted requirements, making it very suitable for small projects.


(8) The safety of the catalyst is high, and the catalyst used in the system is non-toxic and harmless to the environment and human body, with good environmental benefits.


(9) The system does not produce a large amount of by-products, which is environmentally friendly and economical.


Biological desulfurization


Biological desulfurization technology includes biological filtration, biological adsorption, and biological drip filtration, all of which belong to open systems, and their microbial populations change with environmental changes. In the process of biological desulfurization, oxidized sulfur-containing pollutants must first undergo biological reduction to generate sulfides or H2S, and then undergo biological oxidation to generate elemental sulfur in order to be removed. In most bioreactors, the microbial species are mainly bacteria, followed by fungi, and there are very few yeast. The commonly used bacteria are Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, Thiobacillus denitrifying, and Thiobacillus excreting. The most successful representative is Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, which has the best growth rate


The H value ranges from 2.0 to 2.2.


Biodesulfurization of biogas is a new technology developed in the 1990s, which has been widely studied abroad and has made great progress in application. There are already mature integrated technologies for biogas biological desulfurization in foreign countries.


Process description:


Introduce a certain amount of air into biogas containing hydrogen sulfide, and remove the hydrogen sulfide from the mixed gas through the EnvironTec biological desulfurization tower. Special plastic fillers are installed inside the reactor, providing ample space for the proliferation of desulfurization bacteria. The circulation of nutrient solution keeps the filler moist and supplements the nutrients needed for the growth and reproduction of desulfurization bacteria. Exclusive bacterial species (such as Thiobacillus or Thiobacillus) can reproduce in fillers using nutrient solution. In this case, they absorb hydrogen sulfide from the mixed biogas and convert it into elemental sulfur, which in turn converts into dilute sulfuric acid,

化學(xué)反應(yīng)式如下:H2S + 2O2=H2SO42

The chemical reaction formula is as follows: H2S+2O2=H2SO42

H2S + O2 =2 S + 2H2OS + H2O + 1.5 O2=H2SO4

H2S+O2=2 S+2H2OS+H2O+1.5 O2=H2SO4


The generated dilute sulfuric acid is discharged from the system together with the buffering and neutralization effect of nutrient solution and tap water,


This process repeats itself.

1 反應(yīng)塔 5 營養(yǎng)液供應(yīng) 9 熱交換器 13 營養(yǎng)液液位控制器

1 reaction tower 5 nutrient solution supply 9 heat exchanger 13 nutrient solution level controller


2 填料 6 稀釋用水 10 氣分析儀 14 空氣流量計(jì)

2 fillers 6 dilution water 10 gas analyzer 14 air flow meter

3 沼氣入口 7 循環(huán)液 11 pH 控制儀 15 營養(yǎng)液廢液排出口

3 biogas inlet 7 circulating liquid 11 pH controller 15 nutrient solution waste liquid discharge outlet

4 空氣供應(yīng) 8營養(yǎng)液泵 12 溫度計(jì) 16流量控制開關(guān)

4 Air supply 8 Nutrient solution pump 12 Thermometer 16 Safety flow control switch

沼氣(3)進(jìn)入反應(yīng)器(1)底端,并從底端穿過填料層到達(dá)頂部??諝猓?)通過變頻控制精確添加。尾氣成分分析儀(10)對余氧濃度監(jiān)控并與空氣風(fēng)機(jī)連鎖。 循環(huán)液通過循環(huán)泵(8)循環(huán)噴淋。液位開關(guān)(13)控制整體的液位平衡。為了保證細(xì)菌的活性,采用熱交換器(9)和溫度監(jiān)測(12)對系統(tǒng)溫度調(diào)節(jié)控制。PH儀(11)用于控制營養(yǎng)液的質(zhì)量(酸堿度),例如當(dāng)PH低于設(shè)定值時(shí),新鮮的營養(yǎng)液(5)和稀釋用水(6)自動加入脫硫塔中,在此同時(shí),廢液(15)自動排出,并保持液位平衡。

Biogas (3) enters the bottom of reactor (1) and passes through the packing layer from the bottom to the top. Air (4) is precisely added through frequency conversion control. The exhaust gas composition analyzer (10) monitors the residual oxygen concentration and interlocks with the air fan. The circulating liquid is sprayed through the circulating pump (8). The liquid level switch (13) controls the overall liquid level balance. To ensure optimal bacterial activity, a heat exchanger (9) and temperature monitoring (12) are used to regulate and control the system temperature. The pH meter (11) is used to control the quality (acidity) of the nutrient solution. For example, when the pH is below the set value, fresh nutrient solution (5) and dilution water (6) are automatically added to the desulfurization tower. At the same time, the waste liquid (15) is automatically discharged and the liquid level is maintained in equilibrium.


Method comparison


The characteristics of dry desulfurization


Simple structure and convenient use.


During the work process, there is no need for personnel to be on duty, and materials are changed regularly. One in use and one on standby operate alternately.


The desulfurization rate of new raw materials is relatively high, but it decreases in the later stage.


Compared to wet type, regular material changes are required.


The operating costs are relatively high.


The characteristics of wet desulfurization


The equipment can operate non-stop for a long time and continuously carry out desulfurization.


Using a pH value to maintain desulfurization efficiency results in low operating costs.


The process is complex and requires dedicated personnel to be on duty.


The equipment needs maintenance.


Characteristics of desulfurization with complex iron

率: 硫化氫去除率高達(dá)99.9%

High efficiency: hydrogen sulfide removal rate up to 99.9%

高適應(yīng)范圍: 可處理硫化氫濃度高達(dá)100%

High adaptability range: can handle up to 100% hydrogen sulfide concentration

低成本: 與其它脫硫技術(shù)相比,運(yùn)行成本

Low cost: Compared to other desulfurization technologies, the operating cost is the lowest

高性: 設(shè)有多重的保護(hù)裝置

High security: equipped with multiple safety protection devices

無人值守: 系統(tǒng)通過在線監(jiān)測系統(tǒng)全自動運(yùn)行

Unattended: The system operates fully automatically through online monitoring system

維護(hù)簡單: 少量的維護(hù)工作

Easy maintenance: minimal maintenance work


The characteristics of biological desulfurization

率: 硫化氫去除率高達(dá)98.5%

High efficiency: hydrogen sulfide removal rate up to 98.5%

高適應(yīng)范圍: 可處理硫化氫濃度高達(dá)0.8% (8000ppm)

High adaptability range: capable of handling hydrogen sulfide concentrations up to 0.8% (8000ppm)

低成本: 運(yùn)行成本低

Low cost: Low operating cost

適應(yīng)性: 較化學(xué)法抗波動能力差

Adaptability: Poor resistance to fluctuations compared to chemical methods

無人值守: 系統(tǒng)通過在線監(jiān)測系統(tǒng)全自動運(yùn)行

Unattended: The system operates fully automatically through online monitoring system


This article provides assistance from biogas desulfurization. For more related content, please click: http://www.aycqc.cn I hope this article can be helpful to you. Thank you for reading!

相關(guān)產(chǎn)品 我們的存在,是為了更好的服務(wù)于沼氣等可燃?xì)怏w凈化及利用行業(yè)