






聯(lián)系地址:中國(山東)自由貿(mào)易試驗區(qū)濟南片區(qū)孫村街道經(jīng)十東路33688號章錦綜合保稅區(qū)聯(lián)東U谷科創(chuàng)中心5號樓 101



In the whole wet desulfurization process, some process conditions are contradictory from absorption to regeneration and then to sulfur recovery. Generally, the newly designed desulfurization unit will comprehensively consider various interactive factors, and take the desulfurization, regeneration and sulfur recovery of the system as a systematic project, comprehensively consider and solve it as a whole. However, there are often various mismatched factors for the continuous expansion and transformation of production or the use of old equipment, so we must correctly understand and give reasonable consideration to these indicators.
1 吹風強度與再生空氣量
1. Blowing intensity and regeneration air volume
We know that regeneration has several functions. First, supply the oxygen for the chemical reaction required for desulfurization. Second, HS - in the rich liquid continues to be oxidized during regeneration and restores the activity of the catalyst. Third, under the bubbling and stirring of air, sulfur particles gather into sulfur foam and float on it, which is convenient for flotation to separate sulfur. Fourth, the CO2 gas absorbed in the solution while desulfurization is carried out, so as to improve the alkalinity of the solution and reduce the consumption of alkali. It can be seen from this that the greater the blowing intensity is, the more complete and thorough the regeneration is if only from the perspective of regeneration. However, excessive blowing intensity will bring adverse effects on the normal flotation of sulfur foam. Excessive air volume will cause large liquid level churning, unstable sulfur foam layer and poor sulfur flotation separation, resulting in high suspended sulfur. If the air volume is too large for a long time, the solution potential will be high, which will accelerate the side reaction. Excessive oxidation will also cause the rise of sodium sulfate and equipment corrosion. Therefore, the blowing intensity of the regeneration tank should be appropriate. Generally, the blowing intensity of the jet regeneration process is 60m3 / m2 h~100m3/m2. h。 In production practice, enterprises can find out the best air volume suitable for their own working conditions according to their own equipment and process conditions.
2 溶液循環(huán)量與再生停留時間
2 solution circulation volume and regeneration residence time
溶液的循環(huán)量與再生停留時間是反比關(guān)系。在其它條件不變的情況下,當氣量大,H2S含量高時,為保證脫硫效率,應(yīng)適當增加溶液循環(huán)量,即增大液氣比和噴淋密度。但是,在增加循環(huán)量的同時,一定要考慮溶液在再生槽中的停留時間。否則,因為循環(huán)量的增加,縮短了溶液在再生槽的停留時間,造成再生不完全,溶液質(zhì)量差,同樣達不到較高的脫硫效率。以前我公司做過一個方案,脫硫塔直徑為φ4800,原有的貧液泵額定流量為420m3/h,其噴淋密度20m3/m2.h多,明顯偏小了。所以,必須增加溶液的循環(huán)量。如果單純從噴淋密度考慮,以增加800 m3/h為佳,此時噴淋密度為44 m3/m2.h。但是該廠再生槽容積是為循環(huán)量400 m3/h左右而設(shè)計,如果流量增加800 m3/h,則溶液在再生槽中的停留時間太短,無法滿足再生需求,再生槽容積肯定要做相應(yīng)調(diào)整,這樣就給施工帶來很大的工作量??紤]到該廠脫硫塔進口硫含量不高,脫硫負荷不大,所以,建議把流量增加到600 m3/h,這樣噴淋密度為33 m3/m2.h,基本能滿足要求,而且,該流量下再生槽內(nèi)溶液的停留時間為12分鐘。
The circulation amount of solution is inversely proportional to the regeneration residence time. When other conditions remain unchanged, when the gas volume is large and the H2S content is high, in order to ensure the desulfurization efficiency, the solution circulation volume should be appropriately increased, that is, the liquid-gas ratio and spray density should be increased. However, while increasing the circulation volume, the residence time of the solution in the regeneration tank must be considered. Otherwise, the residence time of the solution in the regeneration tank is shortened due to the increase of the circulation volume, resulting in incomplete regeneration and poor solution quality, which also can not achieve high desulfurization efficiency. Our company has made a scheme before, and the diameter of desulfurization tower is φ 4800, the rated flow of the original lean solution pump is 420m3 / h, and its spray density is 20m3 / m2 H is too much, which is obviously too small. Therefore, the circulation amount of solution must be increased. If only considering the spray density, it is better to increase to 800 m3 / h, and the spray density is 44 m3 / m2 h。 However, the volume of the regeneration tank in the plant is designed for the circulation volume of about 400 m3 / h. If the flow increases to 800 m3 / h, the residence time of the solution in the regeneration tank is too short to meet the regeneration demand. The volume of the regeneration tank must be adjusted accordingly, which will bring a lot of work to the construction. Considering that the sulfur content at the inlet of the desulfurization tower of the plant is not high and the desulfurization load is small, it is recommended to increase the flow to 600 m3 / h, so that the spray density is 33 m3 / m2 h. Basically meet the requirements, and the residence time of the solution in the regeneration tank under this flow is 12 minutes.
The amount of solution circulation is also closely related to the amount of regeneration air. Because the process of spraying oxidation regeneration tank depends on the rich liquid to inhale air through the ejector, and the amount of air inhaled by the rich liquid is basically constant. If the circulation volume is too small, the intake air volume is insufficient, which may not meet the air volume required by the regenerative oxidation tank. Soon after start-up, there may be problems such as unsatisfactory regeneration effect, high suspended sulfur, low sulfur recovery rate, high consumption of absorbent and catalyst, and even tower blockage.
3 溶液總堿度與PH值
3 total alkalinity and pH value of solution
The total alkalinity of the solution is directly proportional to its sulfur capacity. Therefore, increasing the total alkalinity is an effective way to improve the sulfur capacity. In other words, in the process of neutralization reaction, increasing the total alkalinity can better ensure the desulfurization efficiency under the condition that other working conditions remain unchanged. However, if the total alkalinity is too high, the consumption of raw materials will increase and the side reactions will accelerate.
PH value is the basic index of desulfurization solution. Too low pH value is not conducive to the absorption of hydrogen sulfide, will reduce the solubility of low oxygen, and the regeneration effect of solution is poor; If the pH value is too high, the side reaction will be accelerated, the generation rate of side salt will be high, the sulfur separation speed will be affected, the sulfur recovery will be poor, and the alkali consumption will be increased.
于總堿度與PH值的關(guān)系,一般來說,PH值隨總堿度的增加而上升,但嚴格的講,PH值主要是受NaHCO3/ Na2CO3的影響,PH與比值呈反比關(guān)系,還有就是硫酸根離子的影響。
As for the relationship between total alkalinity and pH value, generally speaking, pH value increases with the increase of total alkalinity, but strictly speaking, pH value is mainly affected by NaHCO3 / Na2CO3, pH is inversely proportional to the ratio, and there is the influence of sulfate ion.
In the actual production, due to the different conditions of each plant, the H2S content in the desulfurization inlet gas varies greatly, and the rationality of process and equipment configuration also varies greatly. Therefore, the control principle and guiding ideology for the total alkalinity should be: on the premise of ensuring the appropriate solution circulation and high desulfurization efficiency, ensure the outlet hydrogen sulfide, control the total alkalinity of the solution at the low limit, and reduce the production consumption and the generation of side reactants, So as to maintain the stability of working conditions.
4 重視分析工作
4 attach importance to analysis
The analysis data is our eyes. We reasonably adjust the consumption and guide the work, so we establish, improve and standardize the desulfurization analysis, so as to make better use of these analysis data to guide the production and ensure the continuous and stable operation of the production.
The above is about biogas purification. I hope it will help you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service http://www.aycqc.cn

相關(guān)產(chǎn)品 我們的存在,是為了更好的服務(wù)于沼氣等可燃氣體凈化及利用行業(yè)