






聯(lián)系地址:中國(山東)自由貿(mào)易試驗(yàn)區(qū)濟(jì)南片區(qū)孫村街道經(jīng)十東路33688號章錦綜合保稅區(qū)聯(lián)東U谷科創(chuàng)中心5號樓 101


1、 Due to the operation risk of the farm closed, no biogas raw materials?
The management status of farms directly affects the implementation and operation effect of large and medium-sized biogas projects. For example, it will affect the collection of manure materials and biogas production, and may also affect the production cost of biogas.
解決辦法:取找周邊畜禽糞便或有機(jī)工業(yè)廢棄物作為替補(bǔ)原料,發(fā)展集中式氣工程。在養(yǎng)殖規(guī)模不足的情況下, 增加一臺粉碎機(jī), 實(shí)現(xiàn)糞便與秸稈混合發(fā)酵,可使產(chǎn)氣量得到保障和提高。同時(shí)應(yīng)加強(qiáng)管理和運(yùn)營,通過生產(chǎn)有機(jī)肥和開展綜合利用,提高沼氣工程的運(yùn)行效益。
The solution: take the surrounding livestock manure or organic industrial waste as alternative raw materials to develop the centralized gas project. In the case of insufficient cultivation scale, adding a pulverizer to realize the mixed fermentation of manure and straw can guarantee and improve the gas production. At the same time, management and operation should be strengthened to improve the operation efficiency of biogas project through the production of organic fertilizer and comprehensive utilization.
2、 What are the risks of biogas fermentation technology?
沼氣發(fā)酵有中溫、近中溫、常溫發(fā)酵。沼氣產(chǎn)量受發(fā)酵溫度的變化影響較大,采用不同溫度發(fā)酵對項(xiàng)目的產(chǎn)氣量及運(yùn)營成本也有較大影響。由于一些項(xiàng)目地處冬季寒冷地區(qū),往往達(dá)不到中溫,不但會嚴(yán)重影響產(chǎn)氣, 還有可能凍壞工程設(shè)施與設(shè)備。
Biogas fermentation has medium temperature, near medium temperature and normal temperature. Biogas production is greatly affected by the change of fermentation temperature, and different temperature fermentation also has a great impact on the gas production and operation cost of the project. Because some projects are located in cold winter areas, they often can not reach the middle temperature, which will not only seriously affect the gas production, but also freeze the engineering facilities and equipment.
解決辦法:為項(xiàng)目正常運(yùn)行,對必要的項(xiàng)目設(shè)施采取保溫措施;在設(shè)計(jì)施工中,采取太陽增溫和加溫裝置可對產(chǎn)沼原料增溫;a好的增溫方式是通過發(fā)電機(jī)組的余熱實(shí)現(xiàn)增溫,達(dá)到熱電聯(lián)產(chǎn)。也可使用沼氣或然煤鍋爐作為加溫的應(yīng)急熱源, 保障沼氣工程實(shí)現(xiàn)中溫正常運(yùn)行。
Solutions: for the normal operation of the project, first of all, take insulation measures for the necessary project facilities; In the design and construction, the solar heating device can increase the temperature of biogas raw materials; A good way to increase the temperature is to increase the temperature through the waste heat of the generator set to achieve cogeneration. The biogas or coal boiler can also be used as the emergency heat source to ensure the normal operation of the biogas project at medium temperature.
3、 Does disinfected water of livestock farm affect biogas fermentation?
因畜禽場對棚舍和糞污水, 導(dǎo)致產(chǎn)沼原料PH值過高而殺滅厭氧菌, 造成少產(chǎn)氣和不產(chǎn)氣的事故經(jīng)常發(fā)生。
Due to the disinfection and sterilization of shed and fecal sewage in livestock and poultry farms, the pH value of biogas raw materials is too high to kill anaerobic bacteria, resulting in less gas production and no gas production accidents.
解決措施:項(xiàng)目設(shè)應(yīng)設(shè)定合理的酸化調(diào)節(jié)池, 通過酸化調(diào)節(jié)只有合格的產(chǎn)沼原料才能進(jìn)入?yún)捬醢l(fā)酵裝置, 不致于殺滅厭氧菌, 造成少產(chǎn)氣和不產(chǎn)氣的事故發(fā)生。酸化調(diào)節(jié)池同時(shí)還具有沉砂、去浮渣、調(diào)節(jié)高峰用氣備料的功能。
Solutions: the project design should set up a reasonable acidification regulation pool, through acidification regulation, only qualified biogas production raw materials can enter the anaerobic fermentation device, so as to avoid killing anaerobic bacteria, resulting in less gas production and no gas production accidents. At the same time, the acidification regulating tank also has the functions of settling sand, removing scum, regulating peak gas consumption and preparing materials.
4、 What should we do if we can't use up biogas to destroy the ozone layer, which does not meet the requirements of environmental protection?
一些沼氣項(xiàng)目用的是濕式常壓自排氣柜,會造成沼氣泄漏,雖然對工程本身不造成危害, 但從環(huán)保角度來說是不允許的。因?yàn)檎託庵械募淄楸瓤諝廨p, 一但泄漏直升高空。由甲烷氣體引起的溫室效應(yīng)是二氧化碳的21倍,1m3甲烷相當(dāng)于21m3二氧化碳。
Some biogas projects use wet atmospheric pressure self exhaust cabinet, which will cause biogas leakage. Although it does not cause harm to the project itself, it is not allowed from the perspective of environmental protection. Because methane in biogas is lighter than air, once it leaks, it goes up into the air. The greenhouse effect caused by methane is 21 times of that of carbon dioxide. 1 m3 methane is equivalent to 21 m3 carbon dioxide.
解決措施:對管理人員加強(qiáng)技術(shù)培訓(xùn), 對進(jìn)出料與產(chǎn)氣量定期統(tǒng)計(jì), 尋找出沼氣工程中進(jìn)料濃度、進(jìn)料溫度、進(jìn)料量與產(chǎn)氣量、產(chǎn)氣高峰之間的關(guān)系, 以用氣量控制進(jìn)料量和進(jìn)料時(shí)間, 做到以需定產(chǎn), 由貯氣柜作調(diào)節(jié), 一般不會排空。
Solutions: first of all, strengthen the technical training for the management personnel, make regular statistics on the input and output and gas production, find out the relationship between the feed concentration, feed temperature, feed volume and gas production and gas production peak in the biogas project, control the feed volume and feed time with gas consumption, so as to determine the production according to the demand, which is regulated by the gas storage tank and will not be emptied generally.
為防萬一, 項(xiàng)目沼氣氣柜上端安裝低壓防爆行程報(bào)警器一個(gè), 在預(yù)警顯示后啟動加溫鍋爐, 為沼氣工程加溫。另外還可安裝一個(gè)沼氣燃燒裝置(火炬)。沼氣是寶貴的, 咱們得充分利用, 更不應(yīng)該排空。
In case of emergency, a low-pressure explosion-proof travel alarm is installed on the upper end of the biogas holder of the project. After the warning display, the heating boiler is started to heat the biogas project. In addition, a biogas burning device (torch) can be installed. Biogas is precious. We should make full use of it, let alone empty it.
5、 Biogas project started late, how to maintain the operation?
The large and medium-sized biogas projects in most areas of China started relatively late, and the operation and management experience and professional and technical personnel are relatively insufficient.
解決措施:工程運(yùn)行操作人員在上崗前必須行培訓(xùn),掌握工程的管理技術(shù)和操作要點(diǎn),并嚴(yán)格按操作規(guī)程進(jìn)行操作。建設(shè)單位必須培訓(xùn)一定數(shù)量的技術(shù)人員和操作人員, 持證上崗。嚴(yán)禁違反操作規(guī)程的行為,工程穩(wěn)定運(yùn)行。
Solution: the operation personnel of the project must be trained before taking up their posts, master the management technology and operation points of the project, and operate in strict accordance with the operation regulations. The construction unit must train a certain number of professional and technical personnel and operators to work with certificates. It is strictly forbidden to violate the operation regulations, and the project runs safely and stably.
6、 What are the main factors affecting the economic indicators of biogas project?
During the operation of the project, the sales revenue has a great influence on the economic indicators of the project, which is a sensitive factor, followed by the operating cost.
Solutions: attention should be paid to the investigation and absorption of the operation and management experience of other large and medium-sized biogas projects in China. After the completion of the project, we must vigorously explore the market and strive to expand the sales volume of Sanzhao products. At the same time, efforts should be made to reduce operating costs so as to achieve the expected economic benefits.

相關(guān)產(chǎn)品 我們的存在,是為了更好的服務(wù)于沼氣等可燃?xì)怏w凈化及利用行業(yè)