






聯(lián)系地址:中國(guó)(山東)自由貿(mào)易試驗(yàn)區(qū)濟(jì)南片區(qū)孫村街道經(jīng)十東路33688號(hào)章錦綜合保稅區(qū)聯(lián)東U谷科創(chuàng)中心5號(hào)樓 101


大家知道,沼氣預(yù)處理是一種很好的清潔能源,它無(wú) 污染,可再生,非常的環(huán)保實(shí)用。該產(chǎn)品的主要成分是甲烷,還含有二氧化碳、硫化氫、水、一氧化碳、固體、氮?dú)?、氫氣、氨氣顆粒雜質(zhì),沼氣中的硫化氫與氧結(jié)合燃燒后生成二氧化硫(SO2);與燃燒產(chǎn)生的水蒸氣(H2O)結(jié)合成亞硫酸(H2SO3),不但對(duì)金屬表面產(chǎn)生腐蝕,而且會(huì)造成對(duì)大氣環(huán)境的污染,影響人體健康。沼氣中的固體顆粒物由于其摩擦性能,易造成設(shè)備的磨損;沼氣中的氧氣和氫氣與甲烷混合會(huì)形成易燃易爆的混合氣體;還有其他雜質(zhì)都會(huì)對(duì)沼氣利用產(chǎn)生不利影響。

As we all know, biogas pretreatment is a good clean energy, it is pollution-free, renewable, very environmental protection and practical. The main component of the product is methane, and also contains carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, water, carbon monoxide, solid, nitrogen, hydrogen, ammonia particle impurities. Hydrogen sulfide in biogas combines with oxygen to generate sulfur dioxide (SO2) after combustion; combines with water vapor (H2O) generated by combustion to form sulfite (H2SO3), which not only corrodes the metal surface, but also causes damage to the atmospheric environment The pollution of human body affects human health. The solid particles in biogas are easy to cause equipment wear due to their friction performance; the mixture of oxygen and hydrogen in biogas and methane will form flammable and explosive mixed gas; and other impurities will have adverse effects on the utilization of biogas.
Biogas pretreatment system is an important part of biogas power generation and biogas boiler engineering. The system is not only used to realize the functions of dehydration, desulfurization, pressure stabilization, impurity removal and safety protection of biogas, but also the auxiliary gas transmission bridge between biogas anaerobic reaction tank and generator set or boiler.
沼氣預(yù)處理是將沼氣進(jìn)行除水、除雜、穩(wěn)壓、恒溫等工作,對(duì)沼氣進(jìn)行有效的預(yù)處理,提高沼氣質(zhì)量,增加沼氣的利用率,對(duì)于沼氣工程系統(tǒng)的穩(wěn)定運(yùn)行具有重要作用,可以獲得更高的經(jīng)濟(jì)效益和環(huán)保效益。另外本公司專(zhuān) 業(yè)提供相關(guān)的技術(shù)支持,可以為客戶(hù)答疑解惑,幫助客戶(hù)解決遇到的相關(guān)問(wèn)題,如果您有相關(guān)的因?yàn)榈脑?huà),可以隨時(shí)和我們聯(lián)系,我們會(huì)為您提供全 方位的服務(wù),保證讓您滿(mǎn)意,您的滿(mǎn)意使我們不斷前進(jìn)的力量。
Biogas pretreatment is to remove water, impurities, pressure and constant temperature from biogas. Effective pretreatment of biogas can improve the quality of biogas and increase the utilization rate of biogas. It plays an important role in the stable operation of biogas engineering system and can obtain higher economic and environmental benefits. In addition, the company provides professional technical support, can answer questions for customers, help customers solve related problems, if you have a relevant reason, you can contact us at any time, we will provide you with a full range of services, to ensure that you are satisfied, your satisfaction makes us continue to move forward.

相關(guān)產(chǎn)品 我們的存在,是為了更好的服務(wù)于沼氣等可燃?xì)怏w凈化及利用行業(yè)